Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Two posts in one night, maybe I'll be more consistent one day. Jason and I, my mom, dad, and two Granny's went to Thomas Road Baptist Church's Living Christmas Tree production this past weekend. This was my second year and no doubt, they put a lot of time into such an elaborate production. Jason and I stayed with his cousin in Lynchburg on Friday night and we stayed at the Peaks of Otter Lodge on Saturday night. It was really slick driving up the mountain on Saturday night. I was very nervous because the roads were so icy. We made it, thank goodness. Sunday, we went Christmas shopping in Roanoke. We will return to Roanoke this coming weekend for the Jingle Bell 5K Run that supports the Arthritis Foundation. Yay! I haven't ran in an organized run in over a year and am looking foward to it.
Posted by Jill at 6:46 PM 1 comments
Where have I been?
Posted by Jill at 5:56 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Time with the Cows
Posted by Jill at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Summer is Here!
Summer is finally here. School is out. Whoo Hoo!! So far Jill and I are cutting wood. We have enough wood for two or three winters. Wood cutting is almost done thank goodness. I like the exercise but I'm ready to BIKE, fish, and kayak. That starts Saturday. We're camping and riding the New River trail this weekend. I'm looking forward to it. People that say there is nothing to do in Grayson County must not like the outdoors. I don't have any problem filling my time. GO SUMMER!
Posted by Jason Spurlin at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
We Are Engaged!!
Posted by Jason Spurlin at 10:05 PM 5 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Scouter Extraordinaire
This weekends campout was a success. All of us had a fun time. It came a couple of rain showers, but that didn't dampen anyone's spirits. God's presence is never more obvious than when you wake up and roll out of a tent on a crystal clear spring morning. No alarm clocks are needed. The birds, sunlight, and your bladder are all the alarm clock you need when in the woods. I really enjoyed having Jill with us. She was worried that she might feel out of place, but there were several women leaders there. I may even be able to talk her into going with us again sometime. Dutch ovens are the bomb!! We started using them a couple of years ago and we won't ever go back to the propane stoves. We can cook everything for the troop in two dutch ovens and an 16" frying pan on top of an old washing machine tub. We had silver turtles and garlic toast friday. Pancakes with blueberry and whipped topping Saturday morning. Venison and beef stew Sat. night and bacon, eggs, biscuits, and strawberry jam this morning. We ate so much this weekend that we skipped lunch and supper tonight.
Posted by Jason Spurlin at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Weekend Fun

Posted by Jill at 12:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Pioneer Woman
I found one of the coolest blogs today. http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking This woman has a very eye-appealing site. She is not only hilarious but her recipes are simple and look very tasteful. If you like to cook or are learning to cook like me, check her out.
Posted by Jill at 8:30 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Cleaning Again
Jill and I dodged rain showers yesterday and cleaned out my garage. We removed enough stuff to allow me to almost put both of my vehicles inside. I think with a little more work I'll be able to do it. Jill is the master at rearranging and compacting. Today we painted my laundry room floor. We squeazed out just enough paint to finish. I really didn't want to buy a gallon just for a couple square ft. The house is going to look sharp after we get finished. I asked Jill, "What will we do after we get the house projects finished." She said, "The yard needs some work too." Go figure. A bachelor with a less than spic and span house and an unbeautified lawn. Women add beauty to the world in more ways than one for sure. I can't type any more. My blistered fingers (not really) are started to become irritated. Later. Don't forget to tell someone you love them.
Oh yeah, my little sis came over for a sleepover last night. We had a good time. Her and Jill rooted me out of my bed. I had to sleep in the basement. Fortunately, we just have finished painting and furnishing one downstairs bedroom. I didn't lose a bit of sleep. I may even sleep down there more often. It is much cooler in the basement during the summer months.
Posted by Jason Spurlin at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Practical Jokester
I have pulled one on Jason twice in the last week. For April Fool's, I acted like I had to work late and didn't know if I wanted to see him. I suggested he call his sisters but both of them had plans. So he went hiking in the country. I called him around 7 (I really did have to work late) and told him I just had come out of work and I had a flat tire. In reality, I was about five minutes from his house. He totally believed me and said he would be there as fast as he could. So, I immediately told him where I was so he wouldn't hike back. We met and watched the sun set that night!
Last night, Jason had a baseball game in Bland. I decided about 6 that I would head to his house and attempt to mow his lawn. I mowed and started cleaning out his garage. When he called me from the school after they had gotten back, he asked if I wanted him to come to my house for a while. I said sure, and bring the shrimp from your house too please. So, therefore he had to stop by his house. In the meantime, it had gotten dark and I was using his headlamp to be able to see outside. So, I hid behind a tree and hung the flashing headlamp in the tree. As Jason is coming up the driveway, he exclaims, "dang, Kevin (his brother) is outside working with a flashing light!" I cracked up when he said that.
Life is so fun! I'm just waiting for the joke to be on me next time. :)
Posted by Jill at 5:17 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
It is hilarious. My brother is single and everyone I know is trying to set him up. I went with my family to Mountain Surf Seafood today and Kevin was introduced to someone there. He can't escape it. He has is happy that everyone is thinking about him though. In a small town, getting introduced by mutual friends is a good way to meet people. That is how Jill and I got together, and I wouldn't trade that relationship for anything. God is truly good to those who trust in him.
Posted by Jason Spurlin at 2:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Rainy Day
Well, Jill wanted me to start blogging once a week. I believe I can handle it since she has already written most things that have recently happened with us. I can just sit back, listen to the wonderful rain, and watch the grass grow. I love green. The rain is good for mine and Kevin's blueberries. Grow baby, grow!
Posted by Jason Spurlin at 6:42 PM 0 comments
I have learned this week that it is terrible to run with old running shoes. My feet hurt last night as I attempted to run. So, I'm ordering some new shoes today. Asics are my preferred brand of choice. I believe I will order two pair, one for the trail and one for pavement/indoors. Jason also ordered a pair of running shoes today. I found a pair of Asic Gel Nimbus discounted. He needs shoes worse that I do so I'm excited that he's finally getting a new pair!
In other news, Jason and I painted again this past week. We have been working on a bedroom in his basement that needed repainting. We have the floor and walls painted. We are currently working on the trim and the door. In other remodeling new, the bathroom in the basement stopped up and has been unuseable since the weekend. As of yesterday, it is functioning again. Jason had plumbers come and unclog the drain and replumb. He also had them fix the leak in the laundry room. We are both thrilled there that won't be a puddle of water in the floor every time clothes finishing washing.
Posted by Jill at 1:27 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My best friend.
Jill is great! She has introduced me to many new things. As a matter of fact, this is my first ever blog. We have had an excellent winter. God has so richly blessed both of us. I look forward to spending many more seasons with her.
Things are wide open now. Between coaching baseball and FFA, I stay hoppin'. We won our first game today. The kids pulled out a nailbiter against Richlands. It was a great game.
Posted by Jason Spurlin at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Winter Wonderland of Pictures
Posted by Jill at 1:03 PM 0 comments